Title from "There is exactly enough time" in the handwriting of Oskar Salomonowitz, 2018/2021
Still from "There is exactly enough time", drawn by Oskar Salomonowitz, July 2020
Still from "There is exactly enough time", drawn by Oskar Salomonowitz, July 2020
Still from "There is exactly enough time", drawn by Oskar Salomonowitz, July 2020
Last still from "There is exactly enough time" drawn by Oskar Salomonowitz, July 2020
Still from "There is exactly enough time", drawn by Virgil Widrich, February 2021
Still from "There is exactly enough time", drawn by Virgil Widrich, February 2021
Still from "There is exactly enough time", drawn by Virgil Widrich, February 2021
Still from "There is exactly enough time", drawn by Virgil Widrich, February 2021
Poster "There is exaktly enough time", 2021
Oskar Salomonowitz on his 11th birthday, 20.7.2019
Oskar Salomonowitz at work on his flip book, Kritzendorf, 30.7.2020
Stack of individual frames from "There is exactly enough time", drawn by Virgil Widrich, February 2021
Oskar's pencil, with which he drew pictures for "There is exactly enough time" in the summer of 2020.

There is exactly enough time

A 2021, short film, DCP, 4K/2K, color, 1:1.85, stereo
length: 2 min.

Link to the trailer and to the whole film.

Oskar Salomonowitz, the 12-year-old son of filmmakers Anja Salomonowitz and Virgil Widrich, had drawn 206 frames of a flip book when he died in an accident. Using the remaining blank sheets, his father continued drawing the film.

"Oskar never showed me his drawings in detail because he did not want to showcase an unfinished film. At first, I had no idea whatsoever how the story should continue, and the beginning was very difficult for me. I practiced Oskar's stroke for a long time for fear of doing something wrong, but that's what definitely would have made my style be different from his, because he wasn't afraid at all. Oskar conceived his project as a flip book and not necessarily as a film, but his stack would have been far too thick to flip through evenly. In the end, I would have suggested to him that we photograph his drawings and then turn them into an animated film with sound. I am sure he would have liked this format very much and it being screened in the cinema." (Virgil Widrich)

Winner of 86 international film awards!

Screenplay, direction, animation: Oskar Salomonowitz, Virgil Widrich
Music and sound design: Siegfried Friedrich
Postproduction: Bernhard Schlick
Distributor: Sixpack Film

© 2021 Virgil Widrich Film- und Multimediaproduktions G.m.b.H.

Events, film screenings: 297

30. November 2022
The short film "There is exactly enough time" wins a total of 70 international film awards by November 2022. 2022.
10. March 2021
10.03.2021: Completion of the animated film "There is exactly enough time" by Oskar Salomonowitz and Virgil Widrich with music and sound design by Siegfried Friedrich.
02. February 2021
Virgil Widrich has the idea of completing the animated film of Oskar himself, but since there is no title and Oskar had never told how his story would continue, he does not know how.
On 2.2.2021 at 6:45 Virgil Widrich wakes up from a dream, which revealed to him that the film's title would be "There is exactly enough time" – and from then on the further course of the story was clear before him in that very second.
17. January 2021
17.1.2021: Virgil Widrich finds a calculation by Oskar in the book "The Book of Perfectly Perilous Math" by Sean Connolly, which ends with the sentence Oskar wrote by hand: "There is exactly enough time".
05. December 2020
At the beginning of December 2020, Virgil Widrich photographs the 206 images of Oskar's flip book and assembles them in an editing software. Only now does it become visible what is hidden in Oskar's animation.
27. October 2020
Death of 12-year-old son Oskar Salomonowitz (20.7.2008 - 27.10.2020) in an accident.
01. July 2020 – 31. July 2020
In July 2020, Oskar Salomonowitz draws 206 pictures of a flip book on his light pad in Kritzendorf near Vienna. Due to other summer activities, the animation is not completed.
27. November 2018
27.11.2018: Oskar Salomonowitz wants to draw flip books (again) and asks his father Virgil Widrich to order a light pad and pre-punched animation paper.